There's something about wheelchairs that's just just can't pass it up! I've been trying to figure it out for months now...and it's still a puzzle to me! I think it's the untouchable challenge that just kinda hangs in front of you..."I wonder if I could do that..." at least that's what I think! It has been real funny to see the different "takers" of this challenge...of the ultimate...wheelies! When you take this challenge of wheelies....that's when the spills happen...and boy have they happened! The first...if my memory serves me was my! His feet went straight in the air! Then there was our cute....outgoing...sister Kamie...Mike took the wheelie bars off and forgot to tell her about it...ooops...then me... I got a little comfortable...and well...lets just say I was sent sailing back into humility...then our hilarious cousin Clint...and his gorgeous wife Tina! The list is building Those are just the dumps (to every one's credit...the chair has a mind of it's own and decides to dump those who are just about to figure it's smart that way)! ....Mike had a little spill himself...his was in the name of sacrifice! He didn't' get enough umph while pushing up the ramp in the back down...he glanced back and realized he would run right over he quickly hit is breaks...which sent his feet up and over his head...and Mike right out of his chair! You can imagine...I was slightly alarmed upon finding him down on the concrete floor!He said... "I think that must have hurt my tailbone...I'm sure I landed on it" (one of our fears is Mike will break a bone...and he won't feel we won't know it) We checked everywhere...and he was just fine...thankfully...and so was Brody...thanks to his incredibly protective father, Mike! So yes...spills have happened in his chair...but every time has been so worth it and created quite the funny memory in our minds!
Hi Michelle!! It's Tara from the hospital! It sounds like you guys are doing great. I just wanted to say Hi!!
Yee-ha, that was a hard fall in the w.c., but so funny. That does take a lot of practice and talent to maneuver. Keep us posted, I hope you guys are doing well. Love ya!
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