Brody has been smothering Jocelyn with kisses ever since she was born! He has never shown jealousy towards her and he constantly is making sure he knows where she is and if she's ok..."is Joss'n ahkay?" he says! I've been thinking a lot lately about what their lives will be like as they grow....when they begin school...sports...dance...dating...and driving! Is Brody going to share that same love? I pray that he watches over her when we cannot...I pray that he sticks up for her...even when she's wrong...and when other kids are mean to her...he is not...and when she goes through anything hard...he is there to comfort her...and that he will protect her no matter what! I have some pretty amazing brothers...My brother Riley has been more of a brother then I could have ever asked for during all this. He is the kind of guy that would litterally give you the shirt off his back. And that's what he and his gorgeous wife Sadie have done for us...I pray that Brody grows up to be the kind of brother for Joeclyn that my brothers have been for me...Love you guys!

Thats is so cute. I was listening to this song the other day and I almost started crying, because it reminded me of you guys! Man I love you guys so much. Well you should listen to it. Its called Quitters by Collin Raye. Watch the music video its so great!
Well I think of you every night and day.
Love Ya Tons
That is so sweet. It's evident that Brody adores his baby sister. You guys are awesome. I love reading your blog, it's inspiring and makes me want to be better and more grateful.
ohhhh...your kids are so stinkin cute. Michelle, I love you and now that I am in town I really want to see you.
What a good brother Brody is how sweet is that. He will protect her and love her throughout her life, no worries. We are blessed with great brothers, my brother Matt would go to the store and buy one of every cold medicine brand out there when I was sick. He even came home with a humidifier for me one day. It is truly amazing the way the church raises us to appreciate family and embrace them. We are blessed to have such a awesome rockin family! Mike was always good to his brothers too, they always got along... I think it comes from both sides of Brody's family....that is why he is such a great protector and little love...
Love ya!
What a good brother Brody is how sweet is that. He will protect her and love her throughout her life, no worries. We are blessed with great brothers, my brother Matt would go to the store and buy one of every cold medicine brand out there when I was sick. He even came home with a humidifier for me one day. It is truly amazing the way the church raises us to appreciate family and embrace them. We are blessed to have such a awesome rockin family! Mike was always good to his brothers too, they always got along... I think it comes from both sides of Brody's family....that is why he is such a great protector and little love...
Love ya!
oh they are so cute i wish i was there to see them in person!! but im not so your good pictures will have to do!! so i hope you are having a good day and know taht you aer loved!! I put up some new pictures so go look!! love ya
Brody is so AWESOME!!
He's going to be the best big brother EVER!!
Love you!
Michelle, I read everything new to here and I just love your blog I almost cried. You are such an inspiration to me. You are awesome, you too Mike. You both make me happy. Love you guys.
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