Saturday, May 31, 2008
Summer Fun...
Try'n Out the Old Chair...
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Happy Birthday Jodi...
Growing up...I was a pretty big scardy cat...the littlest things would scare me...taking the garbage out at night...creekeys in the house...mean kids...or just nightmares...but I always had a constant that never failed to calm my sister...Jodi. I remember making mad dashes to her bed after a terrible nightmare...She'd let me snuggle in as she pulled the covers over our heads before beginning the most amazing fairy tales...and quickly all my fears would dissipate. That's something I've always loved about Jodi...she's always been there when I've come running. On the day of Mike's accident, she was in Vegas...I couldn't go running to this time she came running! She knew that I needed her...and how I needed to hear her tell me everything is ok... she hugged me and began telling me the most amazing things about how our lives are going to be great...and we're still going to live a fairy tale life!'re my tummy laugh'n, movie watchin, clothes shopp'n, tear jerk'n, munchies eat'n, momma rock'n, buddy blogg'n, phone talk'n, song sing'n, music dance'n, freak'n awesome sista!...happy birthday Jodi...I sure Love you...
love, MO
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Saturday, May 17, 2008
What a Daredevil... imagine this...your standing out on your lawn, minding your own business, when you see a man in a wheelchair, slightly out of control, flying down the street in front of you...a few seconds later you see another man chasing after him...
Mike's brother Richard invited him to come up to his house (about 2 miles from where we are staying). After spending an hour or two at Rich's...Mike got a "great" idea! He decided it would be fun to wheel from Rich's house back home...keep in mind Richard lives on the mountain benches of Pleasant Grove... anyone who has been to Richard's house knows the roads are almost need 4 wheel drive...but steep or not...Mike was off! Well...what started as a peaceful coast turned quickly into a mighty rush! Rich yelled "you ok?!" from a distance while watching...Mike hollered back with a bit of fright, "NO!" Immediately Rich was off after him!...Mike's hands were burning up trying to slow down...luckily Rich caught him and he was just fine...even though I had a slight rush of terror run through me the first time I heard! It created a pretty funny image in my head...but to Mike's credit he didn't give up...he made it all the way home...needless to say Richard stayed a little closer to Mike for the remainder of Mike's adventure! I was very impressed...but not surprised...I already knew Mike had a little streak of dare devilism in him...I love ya for it Mike!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
The Next Step...
So these past few days have been crazy...we've been packing up our house! Our good friend Scott found us 80 boxes to put everything we've been going to town pack'n away! My mom and neighbor Kim have been real troopers...they've been helping me blitz it through each room...we've just about got every room packed in we just have to move everything...I hope we didn't pack the boxes to heavy! I didn't realize how hard it would be to leave our actual house. There are so many memories that we've already made just in four short years! This is the house where we brought both our babies home...the same home where Brody took his first steps...where we had our first Christmas as a married couple... planted our first trees...where Jocelyn first smiled...Brody made his first friends...where he learned how to make a snowman! I think the hardest part about losing our sweet neighbors...they've become kind of like a second family...especially during these hard times...So's tough leaving...but it's the next step...I've just got to remember to keep our eye on the goal...everyday is another step towards Independence as a family!
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Happy Mothers Day
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
A Brother's Love...

Saturday, May 3, 2008
Nothing Short of a Miracle...
No words can truly express the feelings that are shared by Michael and I. We really had no idea so many people cared! When I think of miracles, I think of the scriptures, I think of Christ, and the days of old. And I've wondered what it would be like to see...last night...was nothing short of a miracle. Our best friend and neighbor, Kim Blackett and her mother Peggy and sister Jennifer, began planning last night's event just days after Michael's accident...we had no idea of the magnitude! Literally hundreds of people arrived showing their love and support! Their were so many incredibly generous people who donated items for the auction as well as those that came and bought. We were in total awe! There were friends and family who spent hours and hours setting up...typing...counting...decorating...aranging and planning...even some total strangers to Mike and I came to support! Seriously, there are countless stories of amazing people and the things that were done for us! I think that is the most mind boggling part about this whole thing...everything that has been done...has been for our little family! It is really hard to wrap my mind around! If only we knew of a way to say thank you...last night after came home and began to settle from the excitement I was overcome...the realization of everything hit so hard...the realization that we are going to be just fine...everything is going to be ok!
Thank you for nothing short of a miracle...
Michael, Michelle, Brody and Jocelyn
PS one more awesome 4 news came! They interviewed Mike and I and some family and friends. Gee, I think Mike was born for the camera he looked so good...we were sure nervous...but it was a pretty cool experience (you may have to mute the music on my blog to hear the clip).. here it is!
Thursday, May 1, 2008
What do you Say?

Gosh, we love you! Thank you!
Michael, Michelle, Brody & Jocelyn Kemp
Michael Update:
Mike is doing more and more everyday! He's able to stay up for longer periods of time and transfer with more ease...he's meeting awesome people with similar injuries...his spirits are still incredibly high...and yes...his biceps are incredibly sexy...he's so strong! Our plans are to go to an out patient rehab center up in South Jordan called Neuroworx! It was started by Dale Hull who became a quadriplegic in 1999 from a trampoline accident. He had no mobility or feeling from his neck down. His first goal was to move his hand enough so that he could work an electric wheelchair with a joy stick rather then one with straw. After doing rehab full time for 2 1/2 years he helped carry the torch in the 2002 winter Olympics! So yes, he walks today! It was so neat to meet him! Their staff, equipment, and facility is really cool! If you're interested in seeing more, you can just click on this link: Anyway Mike and I were really impressed and are excited to get going! We're just waiting for the go ahead from the Neurologist. Mike is still wearing his TLSO (also known as a "turtle shell") that cannot come off until he is fully healed from his surgery. The TLSO covers him from his lower waist to above his chest. The doctor said it will not come off for at least three months from the time of his surgery...which was almost two months ago! There are a lot of exercises he cannot do with the TLSO...because he's still healing...but hopefully in the meantime there is still enough that he can do with it on! We're supposed to meet with his doctor next week! Wish us luck!