Tonight while driving home I heard this song..."In My Daughter's Eyes." It says what I want to's amazing!
My heart is so full right now. I really can't explain it...except that I have such a deep love for our baby girl Jocelyn. The name Jocelyn means Joyous...and that is exactly what she has brought into our lives...JOY! Smiles and coos...squeezes and snugs...I can't think of a way she could be more perfect. The time that she came into this world couldn't have been more crazy! I had been dealing with such a torn feeling as to weather I should induce her a week early or not. So many people recommend not inducing...but for some reason I felt such a strong feeling to have her early. Once we made the decision to be induced a sudden peace came rushing in...little did we meant we'd have another week with her and our family together before our next adventure! She was born during the worst storm of the year...causing the largest accident on the freeway I'd ever seen (12 semi trucks and 20 cars were involved)! The day before she was born our beloved prophet President Gordon B. Hinkley passed away. 4 1/2 weeks later...Mike had his accident. It was a crazy time...
The first few days after Mike's accident I had the hardest time feeling the spirit...or any kind of peace. I didn't understand why...I prayed and prayed...but I couldn't keep a peace with me. The Sunday after Mike's accident I woke up...from sleeping at my parent's place...Jocelyn had slept next to I looked down at her...I thought of what her life will be heart ached for her...we were supposed to be celebrating her birth...instead she was being shuffled from house to house...barely seeing her family. Suddenly the song..."I am a Child of God" came into my mind...I couldn't help but sing it to her. Without even a moments hesitation an incredible peace came rushing over me...and that was when I matter what...we were going to be just fine...Jocelyn is our Joy...she holds a piece of each of our hearts so tenderly in her hands (Brody, myself and her daddy's)...I don't know where we'd be without her...We love you Jocelyn!

Thank you for your honesty. It helps more people than you know. You are right, she is a joy and a blessing. Thanks again
In the tiniest of blessings often come our greatest miracles!! What an amazing family you ALL are! We are privilaged to know each of you!!
That was such a sweet post Michelle. Babies are such a blessing. Heavenly Father knows what we need and he knew that you guys needed Jocelyn in your lives at this time. She is adorable. I hope everything is going well.
You made me cry!
I just love that little baby!!
And you too!
You are such an inspiration!!
Little children are so amazing! The bring so much peace and a glipmse into Heaven. I always why people name the children their specific names. I hadn't heard a Jocelyn in a while so it was so awesome to hear about her name. Our little Rachel's middle name is Joy. What an awesome name! That song is one of my favorite songs! It really does describe the way I feel about my daughters! What a huge blessing to have! You are an amazing woman with an amazing family!!!
OH my gosh you always make me feel so good after I read your blog. Your family is so cute. Thanks for sharing your feelings with us.
Wow,Michelle, you have been such an inspiration. I have been a big fan of your family and your blog. Thank you so much for being so honest with your feelings and shareing them with us. Isn't it amazing that we all wanted to come here knowing that we would face trials and challenges, so we can learn and grow? Sure it isn't easy sometimes but I feel so blessed to have my family, and friends like you. We can all help and lift one anothers burden, light up someones day. Even the littlest ones like Jocelyn. She is so cute!
I love you and am so glad you shared that with us. Thank you.
I understand the sweet love that can come from a baby. My baby girl was born the same day as Jocelyn and is as perfect as can be. How can we not count our blessings when we have some living in our homes with us. I wish you the best of luck with everything.
Everytime I read your post my testimony grows. I love you and your family and thank you for your faith. You are truly an inspiration to me.
What a beautiful family! I want to know who takes all of your great photos. It's almost like you are a living advertisment.
Hey Michelle! I love reading your blog and keeping up with what you guys are doing. I have started my own now too. Oh, how do I get access to your parents blog?
Michelle, here I've been, feeling so sorry for myself that Dave is on another business trip, and all I had to do was go to your blog. Your blog always helps me. You have a way of explaining your feelings that really helps people. It is a gift. Thank you for being who you are.
What a cutie she is! I love all the pictures! Please tell me that these were all taken by a professional photographer... because if not, well then I need some camera lessons from you! Every photo is so cute!
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