Dad and Brody...1 week old!
As of today...it has been three years since our little man...Brody came crashing into our family! And we couldn't ask for a stronger...happier...funnier...more laughable...lovable...goofy...boy! He has brought more happiness into our family than we could have ever imagined! Love you Brody!
Here are a few of our favorite pics...

This is amazing. You are one amazing women and mother. I admire you so much. you will have to check out my blog. And tell brody that I say happy birthday.
Kids do bring sooo much joy into our lives. I also think that I took that picture of you and Mike changing his diaper when he was just like days old. Happy Birthday Brody!
I have so much to catch up on!!!! Everyone's life just goes on, even when you are being a slacker and not updating your blog and not looking at anyone else's. It is so good to know that you and Mike are doing well and that things are developing for you.
I have been out of the picture for a while, but will try to be better about keeping up with everyone.
Norm and I think often, about the friends we made while in the hospital and how we will treasure the kindness and love expressed to us.
Your family is amazing and you inspire me to be better.
Love to you, Mike and your sweet little ones.
too.cute.for.words! Happy Birthday, Brody!
I'm crying! I remember when......what a beautiful journey. So glad we could walk a little of it with you, Brody....love GranE.
What sweet memories of a boy...a very cute, funny boy! Happy Birthday, Brody! He's a lucky lad to be part of the Kemp clan!
Cheers :)
What beautiful pictures. You have a sweet little family there....
What a sweet group of pix! You guys are so amazing! Brody is so cute and sweet! And a total heartbreaker just like you guys!
It seems like yesterday that you guys brought Brody home. Can't believe it has been three years. What a beautiful three years. Happy Birthday!
I love the video! Happy birthday Brody!
We had so much fun last night too! We have got to do it again!!!
It's fun to see all the pics of him growing and changing!
Happy Birthday Brody!!
I told Xander it was Brody, and he got so excited! All day long though, he wanted to see him, and kept asking for him. "Brody's coming!!" He was really sad by the end of the day! It broke my heart!!
Oops, I told Xander it was Brody's Birthday, and he got really excited to see him!
We miss you!!
Happy Birthday Brody!
Hey Michelle,
Brody is so adorable. You should be proud! I hope things are going well. I just wanted to let you know that I "tagged" you so go check out my blog. It will explain! Talk to you later!
He is such a cutie!! You are so great Michelle! I love reading your posts! You always have an amazing attitdue! And I love the pictures and videos that you put up!! Happy brithday to your cute little boy!
You are a very talented writer! I really love coming and reading! I cant believe it has already been three years since Brody was born! WOw...time flies!
yay for redheads! What a cute kid!
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