You know when you're trying your
dangdest to get your kids to sleep...and they are wired like fireworks on the fourth of July? Well that was tonight...Brody had an extra special kick to his fireworks...

Bouncing off the walls crazy, Brody was extra hyper! Every little thing in his bedtime preparation was like a bear wrestling match ...litterally...he was roaring at me! Finally, it came time for him to lay down and calm down. This seemed to be an impossible request...he could not stop jabbering...about his toys. After several minutes of trying to get him to stop talking and close his eyes..."Brody" I said, quite
sternly..."IT IS TIME TO GO TO SLEEP...NO MORE TALKING?" Holding his hand up to his forehead, he looked at me with a little grin on his face and mumbled something in his two year old voice. (I couldn't believe he had the nerve to say something after I had told him to stop talking)! "WHAT DID YOU SAY?" I was very frustrated. He put his hand to his forehead...giggling...he said it again...but I still couldn't understand him ..."WHAT BRODY!" I was now very perturbed. He threw his hand up to his forehead with much more clarity in his voice and
said "YES CAPTAIN!" Whoops...I couldn't help but burst into laughter...which got him laughing and we had to start the whole evening over again...but It was so worth it! He couldn't stop saying "Yes Captain" for the rest of the night! He must have learned from a game we'd played weeks prior...I didn't think he'd caught anything in that game...but apparently not so! To his credit...he eventually stopped talking and fell fast asleep. I sure love that kid...even if he does make me feel like a Drill Sargent!