These past several days have been a little harder than I would have liked...emotionally! There hasn't been anything in particular that was causing me to stress and break down...just life in general. But it's funny how it's those days and moments that can't help but drop you straight to your knees....praying with all your heart for something to give. I think it's Heavenly Fathers way of reminding us we cannot do this alone. And with Him...miracles happen...
The next morning...after a few of those break downs and gut wrenching prayers...a miracle happened...Mike moved his left leg.
OK...seriously AMAZING!! You guys are always in my prayers!
Absolutely Amazing, Michelle you guys are such a blessing in so many lives, and a reminder to so many of us that we need to seek the Lord in all that we do
Amazing! What did I tell you He WILL Walk again! Prayer works! Keep it up Mike! One day at a time.
That is so cool! I totally know what you mean about the emotional breakdowns, I don't know what my deal is but I've been an emotional wreck lately! Congrats on moving your leg, we are so excited for you two!! We should go to lunch or something when we come up to therapy next! See ya! Rick and Tara
It is so exciting to hear the progress you are making Mike. Congratulations on your big achievement.
Michelle that is so fantastic that he moved his leg!! What an awesome miracle to have happen! I keep you guys in my prayers all the time! I am so happy to hear that!!
I was just looking through a couple of blogs, and wanted to hear the latest update on you guys before FHE tonight, I told Clint I would plan it...and this is what I want to share with the fam. Faith, and that miracles DO happen. Thanks for sharing this and our FHE lesson, we love you guys and your examples of Keeping The Faith!
This is so exciting!! But we need details! Is this more than just the muscles that could move it side to side?
Sorry things have been rough lately... call me anytime!! I miss you!!
Wow, that is incredible. Thanks for sharing your story with all of us. It's so humbling and amazing to watch these little miracles happen.
Wow, What an absolute Miracle. Congratulations. I'm sorry that you've been having a rough emotional time. I can't believe you haven't had more of those. You're sure a tough person. You have my absolute amazement.
Michelle that is so amazing. Mike keep up the work. I have great hope and faith in you. You are amazing. You are in my prayers. Your little family is so amazing
And those miracles will continue!!
We're so proud of you both and are constantly amazed at your strength & love! YOU"RE BOTH AWESOME!!
WHAT!?!?!?!?!?!? That is beyond amazing! Keep us posted! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!
We love you guys so much!!!
Richard and Becky Ruff
WOW!! That's so exciting!!
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