And he's out'a here! So...at this very moment...Mike is out driving...yes...that's what I said...no one's driving him anywhere...he's driving himself! We finally were approved through Vocational Rehab to have hand controls put on our car so that Mike can drive...so today was the big day! We packed two kids...four water bottles...the double stroller...diaper bag and wheelchair all into our dependable little Corolla and I drove us all up to North Sandy...Mobility Solutions...to get the car adapted! Three and a half hours later...we were on our way home...Mike was driving this time! I asked..."do you feel MANLEY!!!"...he just laughed at me! But I'm guessing so! This is HUGE! I think it's going to be a bit of a weaning process for me though...I'm really going to miss being with him! We have been together nearly every hour of the day since his accident...besides and occasional trip here and there! He's just gonna have to give me a lot of details whenever he returns home..."what'd ya do...who'd ya see...I missed that???" That's basically what it'll sound like! But I'm sure excited for him...we all are! Congratulations Mike!
Dear Kemp family,
I found your blog by "mistake" and got interested. I read a couple of your postings and had to cry. I will include you in my prayers. I cannot wait to see a video of Mike walking one day.
God bless you all. You are such a great family.
Lots of love from Anna (I am from Germany)
That is so awesome for Mike. I bet he loves it. Congrats!
That is so great! What a huge step!
YAY!!! That's awesome. I can only imagine how manly that truly would feel.
WOW! That's great! Congratulations Mike! Just do me a favor and don't forget to use your blinker! It drives me nuts when people don't use their blinker! hehehe ;)
Congratulations! That is so neat! We'll watch for you on the road!!!
Wow! I just read this and the previous post. First, congrats on Mike moving his leg! That is so exciting! It seems like great things like that often have hard times preceeding it, like you said. That is awesome though. Also, that is sooo exciting that he can drive! How nice to get some more independence, even though you'll miss him. I hope things continue to go well!
Way to go Mike!! You're awesome!
That's great! It's so wonderful to get updates on all the good news in your life! Keep it up!
Hi Michelle and Mike! I have your blog on my google reader, so I always see your updates :) It is such amazing news that Mike moved his leg!! I love your writing, Michelle. You make me smile. Your family is an inspiration. We love you guys!
Michelle that is sooooo exciting! I'm sure Mike will love being able to drive himself around. The real question is have YOU tried driving the car with just the handle levers? And if so...was it fun? :) I'm so happy for you guys. Great and amazing things(wonderful blessings I should say) keep happening!! Love ya!
p.s. I love all of the suggestions you left me. You made me laugh! You are crazy fun girl!!
Hi Michelle and Mike...
I so enjoy reading your blog. The amazing insights, stories and joyful writing keep me captivated. Thank you for being so real..I dearly love your family! Congrats on driving Mike!
Mike, you look like a model in that picture. That is such great news, we are so happy for you and the independence you are gaining.
Driving! What's next? That is so amazing! And I love that Michelle is going to miss being with Mike so much! You guys sure love each other! That is the way to get through anything, together!!! Mike, that's awesome! Have so much fun and drive safe!
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