So this week hasn't been exactly all that we had hoped for...but it's definitely been patience building. Don't get me wrong...we have had some really great days with family and friends...but as far as what we had been planning on...we've had to take a sort of "side step."
As mentioned earlier, we have been really looking forward to going to Neuroworx (the physical rehab center we'd chosen), but apparently it's too soon. Monday we made it up to South Jordan for his first visit! Once there, we found out the prescription that we asked his neurosurgeon for a week previous had not been faxed to the center. This meant without that prescription the therapists couldn't even touch Mike. On top of that, we found out we were still not on the right insurance program. I don't know why it frustrated me so much, but it did. We had busted our tails gathering medical records, filling out long applications, and running a ton of errands to get on the right insurance. There was some kind of confusion with the insurance workers...and what we thought he was supposed to be on. Anyway, we rescheduled for Wednesday and thought we got all the kinks worked out...insurance and prescription! But by Wednesday morning there was still no prescription faxed from the doctors office. That afternoon we were informed that we are still on the wrong insurance! The doctor had to run out on an emergency trip and will be back Tuesday...and hopefully then we can get the prescription....and in the mean time we'll be making phone calls and possibly filling out more applications to switch the insurance again (fourth time)! I'm so confused! But I guess in the grand scheme of things a few extra days of waiting really isn't that big of a deal! I'm just impatient! Mike is handling the delays really well...he knows that everything takes longer then anticipated. When we got back in the car after the first rehab cancellation he said "That's OK...I didn't want to walk that soon anyway!" Gosh I love you Mike! Thank you for handeling these "side steps" so well!
I would be frustrated too. Insurance stuff is always frustrating, and having to deal with it over and over is a major headache, I'm sure! I hope you guys get everything straighened out soon and can focus on Mike's therapy. You guys are awesome, and I admire you for all you do and how well you deal with everything.
What a great guy you have! He cracks me up! Way to keep a good attitude.
If you need any help making insurance phone calls please let me know, I am pretty good at that stuff, I usually get my way at the end of the call. Be persistant and keep your head up. Let me know if you need any help. Mike, you will walk again so no worries insurance or not!
Insurance is one of the best...and one of the worst... things in life, huh?! I'm so sorry for all of the stumbling blocks. We just adore each of you. Keep plugging along, it will be worth it!
SO frustrating and exhausting at the same time. I know that I feel like dealing with MD's, insurance and paperwork is a full time job. I wonder how more efficient the medical industry would be if patients could charge them by the hour. HA HA- We love you guys and hope that all goes well. If not just tell the next person that has you fill out the wrong forms what your going rate is.
hey i think i am gonna call you tommorrow it has been a while.. so anyways we can catch up then if you aretn busy!! love ya
There is this quote that I read and it made me laugh.
Sheri Dew: "If life were easy it wouldn't be hard"
Sorry for the rough week. Hang in there!!! We love you guys and are praying for you!
Becky (0:
Here's a favorite quote of mine....
My formula for living is quite simple. I get up in the morning and I go to bed at night. In between, I occupy myself as best I can. ~Cary Grant
Seems like you are definatley occupied!!!
Sometimes when a ton of stuff heaps up and I wonder where it is all comming from, I try to remember there is something for me to learn in all of this. Sometimes I can figure it out sooner, but some I haven't even figured out yet!!!
Just go kick the cat!!! (not really)
Hang in there Mo!
You're such a strong woman... and these stupid little stumbling blocks will only be but a moment.
Maybe we need another milkshake flip flop night...
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