Monday, April 28, 2008
Post From Michelle's Mom "Fun Fun Fundaiser"

Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Family Fun!
Ok, here's just a quick video of some fun family times..I decided that making videos is kinda my therapy...I know...a little obsessive...but I sure enjoy it!
Tomorrow we're going up to look at some out patient rehab facilities...we're anxious to get going on the next step...hopefully sooner then later!
Friday, April 18, 2008

Like I was telling my sister-in-law Emery...you know you have a lot of kids in the house when you look at your hand sanitizer and find a cheerio at the bottom of the bottle! And that's how it has been here at the Dale and Elaine Kemp Household of five adults and five kids (all kids being 3 and under)! There's never been a dull moment! We are almost outnumbered...but having a blast! Dale and Elaine are being total troopers! They were "Empty Nester's" just for a few months before they were hit with a hurricane of "fun!"

After Mike's accident...we realized that we couldn't live in our home...Mike can't get around independently because it is a two story home...so in short of me becoming "wonder woman" and flying him upstairs...or him becoming "he-man" and muscling himself up the stairs...we have temporarily moved in with his parents! They have been so welcoming...not to mention a TON of help...so has his sister Kassie...who is staying here until her husband returns from Germany this summer (by the way...she is one awesome mom)!

Jocelyn has her own fan club...all three of the toddlers (Brody, Allison, and Megan) huddle around her like she's a star! We try not to let it go to her head! :)

I didn't even know that he could do this...but apparently with the help of a HKAFO (Hip knee ankle foot orthodic) Mike can sort of take steps using the walker! He uses his hip flexers to swing one leg in front of him at a time...it's really slow going...but it's a way to work on bone density, blood pressure...and see if we can't get more muscles to "wake up"...it was really cool seeing him upright! Gosh he's handsome!
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Angels Among Us...cont.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Angels Among Us...
We do not have words to express what we whitnessed on Saturday...When we saw everyone who had come...for us...it was truly humbeling...it was like we were surounded by guardian angels...all we can say is ...Thank you!
Video taken by Debie Bratt
Friday, April 11, 2008
A Way to Help
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Ace Allred's Hardware in Pleasant Grove
8:00 am - 2:00 pm
Thank you so much!
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
An Answered Prayer...Cont. Coming Home

Monday, April 7, 2008
We went to a movie for "public integration!" Mike's Occupational Therapist took us to Winsong (which Mike gets in free from now on...Saweet!) The idea, was to show him that we can still do fun things...life still goes on! We had a great time...some serious spills with the popcorn happened...but that just made for some great laughs...and a great date! Isn't he cute!
On Saturday Mike was able to go to Priesthood Conference with all of his brothers, father and grandfather! I don't know about you...but I think Mike is loved!
Mike and I are in awe at the love we have been shown by soooo many! We just can't believe how many people are helping and doing so much for us! We sit here wishing we could do something to show how grateful we are...but don't know how. So all we can say at this point is THANK YOU! And know that someday, when we get back on our feet, we will do all that we can to "pay it forward!" With all the gratitude in our hearts...Love, Michael, Michelle, Brody and Jocelyn
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Guardian Angel...Standing Outside the Fire
There have been many nights when I've just needed a little snuggle...hug...or smile and Jocelyn...like a guardian angel...has been there for all! she was the right baby to come at this time! the day she was born she cried one little cry and that was it...the nurses tried to get her to cry more just because they didn't think it was normal...but once was all they could get! And that's how she has been ever since. The first few weeks of her life I was paranoid she would get sick and so I kept her inside up until this crazy adventure! After Mike's accident she was basically thrown into the world! From five weeks old and on she has been everywhere...grocery stores, church, ICU waiting rooms, the doctors, and many many other places! But thanks to protective and loving grandparents, friends, family, and the many miracles of prayer she has remained healthy and happy (besides a slight cold in her eyes)!
Wow, what a weekend! We learned a lot...for example...we need wake up earlier if we want to get to church on time...we woke up at 7:30 am and it still took us four hours to get ready (that wasn't including the kids)! But it was great being able to go to church together...holding hands and just...awe....it was great! We also all were able to sleep under one roof for the very first time, Mike, me, Brody and Jocelyn! It's great getting little glimpses of family life and what it will be like after Mike gets home! Mike's parents were awesome in having everything ready for the weekend including a ramp for Mike!
Well, I was able to stay home with the kids tonight (it's amazing how great it is to be a mom and just do mom things sometimes with your kids). I couldn't sleep after I put them to bed so I put together a little movie of this last week...there is one part in the film where it looks like Mike's pushing a workout machine with his leg muscles...well...he kinda is! The trainer is helping as well...but...today we found out that he was contracting his upper quad muscles...yeah...I don't know about you...but I think that's a good thing! Mike... you're kind of a sexy dude! Love you!