This morning we were pleasantly surprised by several members of the rehab staff and a beautiful cake in our bedroom singing "Happy Anniversary to You!" It was completely unexpected but so awesome! Some how everyone found out that we would be celebrating our fourth year anniversary...but they thought it was on Monday! It's actually a few weeks later...but we still loved it...and didn't say anything, now we just get to celebrate it twice! So happy anniversary Mike...I love you (This is just a goofy clip...but we had a blast racing on those wheelchairs)!

We were moved to the "transition room" on Wednesday...it was so awesome! It was kind of like a little hotel room or something...basically they are transitioning us into the real world to see if we can do it on our own! I've been staying with him there ever since...It's been nice not having to say goodbye!

Mike is doing awesome! He's progressing so fast that the doctor gave him a return home date! Next Friday! Wahoo! We are also a little nervous to do everything on our own...but we think we're up to the challenge! The rehab is letting us go for an overnighter this weekend to Mike's parent's (which is where we'll be staying after the hospital) so we can be ready for the big day! Wish us luck! .... He was able to flex his bum muscles yesterday....this is good! Just a little at a time...but we'll take what we can get!