Saturday, March 29, 2008

Happy Early Anniversary

This morning we were pleasantly surprised by several members of the rehab staff and a beautiful cake in our bedroom singing "Happy Anniversary to You!" It was completely unexpected but so awesome! Some how everyone found out that we would be celebrating our fourth year anniversary...but they thought it was on Monday! It's actually a few weeks later...but we still loved it...and didn't say anything, now we just get to celebrate it twice! So happy anniversary Mike...I love you (This is just a goofy clip...but we had a blast racing on those wheelchairs)!

We were moved to the "transition room" on was so awesome! It was kind of like a little hotel room or something...basically they are transitioning us into the real world to see if we can do it on our own! I've been staying with him there ever since...It's been nice not having to say goodbye!

Mike is doing awesome! He's progressing so fast that the doctor gave him a return home date! Next Friday! Wahoo! We are also a little nervous to do everything on our own...but we think we're up to the challenge! The rehab is letting us go for an overnighter this weekend to Mike's parent's (which is where we'll be staying after the hospital) so we can be ready for the big day! Wish us luck! .... He was able to flex his bum muscles yesterday....this is good! Just a little at a time...but we'll take what we can get!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Easter...I Won't Back Down

Ok, so I woke up to feed Jocelyn this morning at five in the a.m. and couldn't go back to here's what's gone on this past week!

With all the craziness of everything I completely forgot to put any thought into Easter for Brody and Jocelyn! A few nights before, two Easter baskets showed up on our for Brody and one for Jocelyn! They were filled with toys and treats and even a little outfit for Jocelyn! I don't know who they were from, but it was pretty neat for them to think of our little family. This was one out of many miracles that so many of our friends, family and even strangers have provided for us, Thank you!

Easter egg hunt at the Rehab Center!

We had a few friends and family who happened to show up at the same time as the hunt...they helped Brody scout out a few of the hard ones!

here's a quick update on mike's progress...and really, he doesn't back down! Mike, we are all just so proud of you! I love you! You'll want to pause the main music on our blog to hear this movie!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Ride'n With My Dad!

Yesterday Mike was able to see the kids again and this time he was up and in his wheelchair when they came! I'm not sure who enjoyed it more, the kids or Mike. Brody hasn't seemed to be bothered with this whole experience. For the most part he just sees that Daddy has a new toy! It was real neat for Mike to be able to give Brody a ride...he is still talking about how much he enjoyed it. And yesterday was actually the first day that Mike was able to hold Jocelyn since his accident. It's amazing how special little moments become when they're taken away so quickly. This whole experience has really caused us to realize how important our family is and how we have the opportunity to become stronger. We just hope that we can make that happen!

Mike Update:

Gosh, Mike is doing amazing! Really, you wouldn't believe the stuff they are having him do in such a short amount of time. Last week he was pretty much flat on his back and still fairly loopy...and this week he is back to regular Mike and wheel'n around like a wild monkey! He is doing physical and occupational therapy twice daily and learning tons. Like how to log roll in bed to prevent bed sores. How to transfer from one place to another such as from his bed to his wheelchair and from his wheelchair to the car. He is learning how to do wheelies so he can hop a curb or prevent a fall! The trainers tell us they are really impressed with Mike and his ability to take on new challanges. They say he's doing things that he normally wouldn't be doing for weeks. So yes, Mike still has his incredible attitude. Today he was telling our cousins that he is looking at this experience like a new challange such as he did with wresteling and other sports. I really don't think I could have handle any of this if it wasn't for his continuing optimistic glass half full attitude! I love ya Mike!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Family...My first Wheels!

I finally had some time to upload some pictures and videos from the last several days!

Today was Brody and Jocelyn's first time to see Mike after the accident. Since Mike was in the ICU they weren't allowed to see him. The nurses said with all the bad viruses going around they could get really sick! So as you can imagine, after nearly two weeks, it was pretty exciting to be together as a family again!

Well Mike has made incredible strides in the last several days! Two of which have been sitting up and going for his first wheelchair ride! We were shocked that he was able to ride in a wheelchair today! But boy were we giddy...especially Mike! He probably rode around for 35 minutes...which was by far the very most he has been up since the beginning! It was pretty exciting! And well, I had a little too much fun with this video, but it was too exciting not to post!
Mike, I always knew you were "bad to the bone!" Love ya, Michelle

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Eye Opener!

Just days before Michael's accident I was really stressed. We had a new baby and I was nervous about life as parents of two children. Wondering if we could handle it...if we'd be good parents...trying to protect our newborn from sickness and this awful cold weather. Then Brody fell down hurting his tooth. We started to notice how it was turning grey...this meant that it was dying. Which meant it would possibly fall out and we would have a boy who was missing his two front teeth for several years. This caused me to be in hysterics. I cried and cried when I thought of a toothless, has my perspective changed. So when Mike called to tell me about his accident he said "guess what...I still have my two front teeth!"

Mike is doing really well. He has a great attitude and looks at this as a new adventure. He has always been one to roll with the punches. But I am truly amazed at his ability to roll with THIS punch! Its been really interesting how his mind plays tricks on him. Because he cannot feel his legs, he does not realize where his legs are. He kept telling me to check his legs and make sure they weren't dangling of the side of the bed, or dragging on the floor. I would then show him that his legs were in fact up on the bed in front of him. But to realize that, he has to look right at them. These past few days have been a real eye opener as to what our life will be like when Mike returns home. How we will get around, what kind of wheelchair he will use, what kind of attachments we will need for our vehicle, what our home will require, and the dynamics of our family after this event! Tonight while waiting to meet Mike's sister at the hospital, Michael's brother and I decided to experiment on a wheelchair! It was another eye opener. I recommend anyone who hasn't tried wheeling around on one, to try it, it's definately a new perspective (it's kinda fun too)!

We are overwhelmed at the amount of people who have shown concern and love for our little family! It has truly been extremely humbling! We just can't say thank you enough! We love you all! Thank you for taking care of us!


Michael, Michelle, Brody & Jocelyn


Michael has had some feeling in his legs. We tried pulling the hair on his thigh and his knee, he got after us because it hurt! You know what that means....he felt it!!! This doesn't mean walking, but it's a start!

Thursday, March 13, 2008


It's funny what some of this medicine does to your words. When I brought some pictures of our kids into Michael's room, I asked him where he would Like me to put Jocelyn's picture. He said, "Why don't you put it on I-15 so that as I'm speeding by I can look over and see it!" It was pretty funny, needless to say, we left it on the counter next to him...I don't think is would have lasted on I-15! Well, Mike is as good as to be expected. He is recovering really well from his surgery. It was quite the extensive surgery...he has a fourteen inch incision on his left side that is not exactly comfortable for him. But according to the surgeons he is healing great! It's funny, when come to visit Mike, we are wanting to come and encourage him and show our support, but as we arrive we are greeted with smiles and laughter. He has kept us laughing more during this week then ever. After his surgery, I was very nervous to see how coherent he was and if he would recognize me at first. As I walked in I said "hey honey, do you know who this is?" He looked at me and said, "uh, uh, uhhhhhhh....just kidding gorgeous...of course I know you!" Of course, he can't help but be a Smart Alec....but definitely keeping us laughing! Depending on how things go, he is most likely going into rehab on Monday. There he will stay for three weeks to a month undergoing a very rigorous recovery! Today, Michael will be working with the physical therapist. He gets to sit up too! We are all excited for this. As you can imagine laying on your back for one week would drive you it is for Mike! So today is going to be big!

Love you all, and we just are incredibly amazed at the love the support that is pouring our way!



Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Another Prayer is needed!

I feel the spirit so strongly as I write this...we feel as though we are being cared for by the world. You all have truly lifted our burdens. Through all of you, our prayers are being answered...we know now more then ever that God does not leave us in our time of need. He is nearer now then we have ever felt. His power is so strong! We hope you know how much your prayers are with us, comforting and guiding us!

Now we are asking for another prayer. Tonight we received heart wrenching news of another couple who was hit with a similar circumstance as us. Last night a 24 year old man fell on the job site pinching his spinal cord and causing paralysis from his chest down. Today, he and his wife would have been celebrating their one year wedding anniversary. We feel so much for this couple and what they are going through and hope they feel and receive the same love that our family has. They now need your prayers more then ever! Prayers work miracles! This we know, they will need them and they will feel them. Why something so confusing and mind boggling happens to us in our lives we don't know...but I do know EVERYTHING happens for a reason and God is with us.

We LOVE you ALL!

With more thanks then we can ever express,

Michael, Michelle, Broden and Jocelyn Kemp

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Thank you

Thank you SO much for your prayers! Mike had surgery and the doctors said that everything went as planned and Mike is recovering without any complications. We spoke with him after surgery and the nurses were surpised at how quickly he responded to everyone there. We feel your love and support for us and appreciate your wonderful messages Thank you! We'll keep you posted.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Please pray with us

Posted by Debie Bratt, Michelle's mom,

Difficult news is always hard to share but we are asking for your prayers at this time. Yesterday afternoon, while working, Mike fell about 9 ft off the scaffeling he was standing on. When he fell, two of his vertebrae were damaged causing severe damage to his spinal cord. He was life flighted to Utah Valley Hospital and will undergo surgery tommorrow. He's told he won't walk again but, like you, we believe in miracles. We would really appreciate your prayers and if you would like to join us we will be fasting today for him. We will keep you updated through this blog as to how he is doing. We are so grateful that he's been alert and in good spirits as best he can under the circumstances. Thank you for your love and prayers.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Free Falling!

This last August for Michael's birthday his family gave him a skydiving trip! He was so exited! He was going with his younger sister Kamie as well! I thought about going but being three months pregnant I thought better of it (that was my excuse)! Yes, it was quite brave of Michael to accept this challenge but you can only imagine how shocked he was when his mother decided accompanying them at the last minute (she shocked the entire family, this was a bit out of character)! So in the end it was a family event! Sadly we only have footage of Mike...and a bit of his mother. Hopefully we can add their videos soon but for now check this out!

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Random pics!

Michael has been my Knight in Shining Armor in this whole adventure! Honestly...if guys needed tips on how to rock in the world of being a husband they could take a class from mine! Really...he has been amazing! There are not many husbands who work 6 days a week 9+ hours a day and are willing to wake up in the wee hours of the morning, run "girly" errands, make or buy dinner, rough house with a little monkey of a son, cuddle with his bitty baby girl, and still have time to treat his wife like a queen! Yes...this is my husband...gosh I'm lucky! I love you Mike! I think there is no question here...she's a "daddy's girl." She's got him wrapped around her little finger! (Michael and Jocelyn - 4 days old)
Brody is one proud brother (even with the poking)! If Jocelyn even grunts...Brody hears her. He runs to her and says "What's wrong baby? You ok?" Then he kisses her tummy and runs back to his playing! I think when the boys start to knock'n on our door for dates with Jocelyn, Brody is going to put that protective brotherly love into action! (Brody and Jocelyn - 1 day old)
Pretty in pink! When we found out we were having a girl...I said that I wouldn't have my little girl in pink all the time ... yeah I changed my mind, it has got to be my most favorite color on her! And I can't wait to buy more pink! (Jpcelyn - 2 1/2 weeks old)