Monday, November 1, 2010

Our Little Man is 5!!!

From M and M Kemp 2
I can't believe it's already been five years since we were blessed with this handsome, fun loving, caring, super hero love'n, couch jump'n, face make'n, family love'n boy!!! We love you super duper uber much!!! Happy Birthday Brody!!!

I figured, what little boy doesn't love more presents to I wrapped his my was a new box...and he had been wanting me to get it for a while...but wasn't exactly excited to see that the present inside was "just cereal"...oh well...better luck next time!!!

This was his real present!!! And yes...this got a little more expression of excitement then the Reeses...which we were happy to see!!!

From M and M Kemp 2

From M and M Kemp 2

From M and M Kemp 2

1 comment:

Debie Bratt said...

Handsome, cute, funny, Brody. Great pictures!