Monday, August 30, 2010

Joss' Toilet Talk...

From The M&M Kemp Family

While sitting on the kiddie toilet the other day...Jocelyn had insisted on explaining everything that was going on at the moment. Leaning down & squishing her arms between tummy & knees...she grunted with all her might...saying..."it's just baby (with one final grunt) It's DADDY POOP!!!" It took me a minute to figure out what she was meaning...until she revealed a size of poop to be proud of! Way to go Joss!!!


Debie Bratt said...

That's our girl!!

Fullmer Family said...

That's hilarious!! CJ does the exact same thing! Baby, Mama, Daddy!! Ha ha, where do these kids come up with this stuff?! :)

The Gomes Family said...

It doesn't matter what size it is she is all cuteness!

Jodi and Josh said...

I LOVE that pictures! She's just stinkin' adorable!!

Heather said...

Wow, I haven't been on your blog for awhile. She is adorable! We all need to get our kids together soon. I feel like I haven't seen yours for years!