So life here at the Kemp house has ceased to slow down! Crazy, fast & furious...but I'm not sure we'd have it any other way! As you may have guessed...Jocelyn's potty training...we're not doing the "potty train your child in one day"...or "three days" or even a week....we're on the "how to potty train your child in 6 months plan!" She's doing great! I think it's me that's struggling to commit...I had such a bad experience with potty training Brody...I'm quite scared to actually leave Jocelyn in underwear all day! I took the leap of faith two days ago...we went to visit hour later...she had a little ball of poop in her hand for Grammy...Uuugh!!! We followed her which consisted of a trail of little hard, brown, poop balls leading to the toys...I'm so sorry Mom! But she's doing a pretty dang good job otherwise! I'd love any advice that's out there!

Jocelyn has two volumes...on...or off! Anyone who knows her...knows she's very loud...and has quite the attitude! She puts all her words to songs. She has loved pink since she was tiny...or I mean kidding! She lives for her babies! And loves to snuggle her daddy! ...and sometimes Mom and Brody too! |

Brody is growing up so fast...he just learned how to ride his bike...has a superhero shirt for every day of the week...and constantly reminds me of words we don't say!
Come this will have been 2 years since we started a photography business. It's been a dream come true...and a huge blessing in our lives! I love it...I get to work with so many fun, happy, beautiful people...doing something I've always loved! It's definitely brought it's own set of challenges...such as trying to juggle family and editing pictures... but between the two of us, Mike and I...we make it work. At least until Mike finishes school!

Mike is doing awesome! He just received his associates degree! Mind you...he started from scratch at UVU...two years ago this September...and has already received his Associates! We are so proud of him! We all laughed when he told us how he had refused to go through the graduation line...and told the school to "mail it. The stinker! He's now working on his Bachalors ...I told him next time he has no choice...he has to be in the graduation...there's no mailing that one!
Some more great news..we are now proud owners of a riding lawn mower...Mike can independantly drive! It's controlled through the he can mow the lawn anytime he wants! Thanks to family and friends...we found a great deal on an older maintenace lawn's a little exsesive for our lawn size... but he can mow the front lawn in 5 minutes easy! We applied for an assitive technology grant for the lawn mower...and just found out today he was accepted! Which was obviously fantastic news!
Mike is "Mr. Fix It" around the here...usually figuring out an "out of the box" way of doing most things...but he gets it done! He's repaired most of the broken sprinkler heads...weeded much of the yard...sprays the dandy lions with a "jimmy rigged" sprayer and his 4-wheeler...and has built and fixed tons in the house. He's also "Mr. Mom" when I'm busy doing photo shoots...or editing. He'll do it, cleaning, putting the kids to bed...and even gives them baths! And yes, as busy as he gets...he still manages to stay the sweet, hunky, manly man I've always loved! |