It's amazing how your perspective changes when things become quite bigger then you realize. Right after Mike's accident it seemed at first like things were so cut and dry...and the reality of all the bitterness was in our faces. But I remember a doctor from Michaels rehab telling me..."you'll be surprised at how sweeter the little things will become when you taste bitter." At the time...I listened and put it in the back of my head...but we are realizing a little better how "sweet" the little things are getting to be! For instance...when Mike was first home...we had to roll him in bed to prevent bed sores every two hours during the night! This was awful...but after a month of doing it...and sleeping through the alarm for an hour longer here and there we realized his skin is stronger and he only needed to be rotated a couple of times during the night...this was so awesome...something we took for granted before, is now so "sweet."
So tomorrow we meet with the Neurologist to find out if he can take his "turtle shell" off. It looks pretty promising...we're really excited...this means so much to Mike.. It means he'll be able to do so much more for himself...and by himself! Everything should be easier(once his muscles build up to it) getting dressed, showering, eating, car transfers, going up ramps without tipping over, rolling in bed by himself & bending further for reaching items. He's also excited to be able to snuggle Jocelyn and Brody without banging their heads on his shell...ok and snuggeling me too! And then, of course, it also means he can start rehab at Neuroworx! I remember when the doctor told us he'd have to have it on for at least three months and how long that seemed...and I am here to tell you three and a half months has been long...but I can't believe the day is finally here. There is still a chance that he has to keep it on a little longer...but hopefully we can BURN that stinky thing! Anyway....just another thing that will be so "sweet!"
That is great, good luck! Hopefully everything goes well!
Isn't that turtle shell plastic? If you think it is stinky now, wait til you burn it, stinky!
Whooooo Hoooooo! Bye bye Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle shell hello Supermike! Awesome, I think that he will be an awesome muscle builder and you will snuggle up to your superman soon! What an awesome, great, wonderful, sweet thing! I can't wait to see snuggle pictures!
Hey Rick leans against our matress and couch the exact same way!! It always scares me but he says it feels better.. sounds like you guys are doing great!! That will be great if he can get that turtle shell off.. we're still waiting to get Rick's collar off too.. that will be a good day! I know what you mean about the "sweet" things now.. even Rick eating a hamburger on his own is sweet to us. It will be so cool when both these guys are up and walkin.. I think it will be soon!! Hang in there!
That is awesome! Good luck tomorrow!! We want to come visit you guys soon!
We are thinking of you guys so much! We can't wait to hear any news! You are in our prayers!
I can't wait to just sit and chat tonight at Kneaders! And we need to talk about some playgroups, too! I know I really need to get out more!
Becky (0:
YAY - hope it all goes as planned. Congrats on these big steps. Having a positive outlook like you seem to have is sure inspiring to the rest of us. Thank you!! Oh, and I'd be freaking out if Jarett was leaning on the couch like that too....
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