Yes, eight hundred and some odd crawdads were caught that day! And we ate nearly all! For a fun family get away with the
Kemps we ran out to Strawberry Lake...and had a blast catching crawdads! They are some of the creepiest looking things...but they sure are suckers for a drumstick on a string! Here are some random pictures of the day!
We all seemed to get a kick when the crawdads would clamp their claws down on the brims of our hats...Mike wasn't quite so amused... :)

Emery...she's going to hate me for posting this...I just couldn't resist! 
Dale, Mikes dad...he just makes me laugh...most will find him in either a shirt and tie...some kind of collared shirt and slacks...or this outfit below...his superman shorts...his favorite pair!!! Brody also loves them! That morning I heard him holler to Elaine..."Elaine, have you seen my superman shorts...I can't find them?" It made me giggle...and I told him that sounded like something I'd hear Brody yell..."Mom, have you seen my spiderman shirt?" We both got a good laugh! ...but you can bet...if we're going playing...Dale will be in his superman shorts!!! Love it! |

Mmmm...doesn't he just look yummy!!!

Yes, Mike is shirtless...that is his farmers tan...not a t-shirt!

Me...trying to be brave...but not so much! |

...need I say more! Great day! |