Warning: The following has extreme mushiness...venture at your own risk!
When I was a little girl...I was quite the "tom-boy" I loved everything opposite of "girly-girl' things. I thought I was pretty tough...and felt I could hold my own...even to the point that I remember telling my mother that when I got older I didn't want my husband to have to protect me...I wanted to be able to protect myself...my kids...and even him if I had to. All those crazy thoughts were around the age of 9 years and younger....thank goodness...I wizened up... and after a few wrestling matches from older brothers, cousins, & the neighbor boys down the street I realized I wasn't as tough as I had thought...and "holding my own" wasn't exactly an option! Plus...as I grew, I started to like the idea of a strong guy by my side. This is where Mike came in!!! Tall, handsome...and strong!!! I remember how thrilling it was to stand next to him and feel so little...and well...protected! The months...then years came and went...and he was all I wanted in a husband...he did everything...for me...and my children...that a young father and husband could do. Then he was injured...my mind was racing of how I was going to take care of our family...protect...and care for everyone...this was overwhelming. Mike knew me well...took my hand...looked at me with his strong eyes...and said, "we're going to be fine...we can look at this like an adventure"...he told me how he'd find a way to take care of us...and in so many words...still be the strong husband I married. That's when I realized ...no matter what happened...he would always be my strong man...my manly man...my protector. He proves this to me daily. How? He's Mike. He reeks of manliness! First by enduring my random panic attacks of my womanly emotions...and idiotic stresses. Second, by taking on a daunting 4 years of schooling...just so he can provide for our family. Third, by wrestling me and the kids down to the floor, without so much as a flinch. 4th, by still standing by his vow to never eat oatmeal again in his life. 5th, because he loves and does the things he's always loved, fishing, woodworking, biking, serving, etc. 6th, because he is willing to be a "mr. mom" several times a week...so that I can work...as well as...on occasion...get out of the house. 7th, because, he scans a crowd whenever we're out...in case he needs to protect me and the kids from any possible predators. 8th, because I'm still his princess...by treating me to ice cream, movies, and dates. 9th, Because he's a great dad...and takes the time to teach our children the meaning of respect...love...and service. Last, but not least...10th, he loves me...and in so many mushy words...I love him (#11. he proves he's still a manly man...because I know when he reads this...he'll be slightly embarrassed)!