Halloween 07'
Dad and Bob the Builder

Christmas 07'
Dad and Cowboy Brody
Grandpa Bratt and Brody
It's amazing how fast time flies when there is so much fun to have! We have had a wonderful holiday blast. There was Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and then New Years! Wow! Can you imagine what those holidays do to a pregnant woman? Well lets just say there are a whole lot more treats to indulge in! But I just say, "I hate junk food, if my baby didn't lik
e it so much I wouldn't touch the stuff!" Well the weather is definitely so fun but crazy...we currently have nearly a foot of snow in our yard! Mike loves any chance he gets to use the snow blower! So yes, we have a nice clean walk and driveway! Mike has been braving the chilly weather in temperatures hitting the single digits. I feel bad, I made him shave his beard, which helped him stay warm. He is an incredibly hard worker. Every day he spends time and ways to make our family happy and stronger whether it is by working harder, playing with Brody, or taking me out for a nice date! I love him! Brody is our little warrior. I sent him through quite the "boot camp" for potty training. And boy was he a trooper. And now a month and a half later he has only been in pullups once and underwear the rest of the time. He has only wet the bed a hand full of times and is now telling me when he needs to go! I truly believe potty training is right up there with the hardest things to do in life:) But it is soooooo worth it! I thank all people who told me not to give up....if it weren't for the support he would definitely be back in diapers! Our little girl is just around the corner! She will be here within the next few weeks. Whoa, that's really soon! We still do not have a name picked out for her. She may be known as "Baby Girl Kemp" but only for a few days, we will find one soon! We just want it to be the right one! Name or no name, we cannot wait to see her!!!The funny story of the day:The other day Brody wanted to play with a ceramic pig that I had resting on my counter. I told him he could look but not touch. Well soon after I decided we could move the pig closer to him so he could touch the pig but not pick it up. A few hours later he was distracted and we were all spending time in the study. Soon he disappeared and returned holding the pig. He had carried the pig (about a foot tall) up our stairs and into the study. There he gave the pig hugs and kisses and told it to go "night, night." Well I was still worried about it breaking so I told him not to carry it, but that he could look and talk to it. I left the room and returned to find him scooting it across the floor to his next determined destination. This way he was not carrying it, but he could get it to where he needed to be. We laughed pretty hard. He is one smart kid!